Author: Constance Lynn

The Repurposed Life – The Untitled Life  

                                  December 2019 I have resigned from working for a living. Now begins a…

Stay Home

The Value in Performing Simple Tasks Although I know there is no way to escape…

Hug a tree, plant a forest

I remember when being called a tree-hugger was not such a popular name to be…

Plastic Detox

Just Do It: Detox Your Life from Plastic! (Part One) Plastic is starting to get…

Our Collective Hearts

Our Collective Hearts: How writers inspire one another to continue writing about the things that…

About Me

Constance Lynn has been writing every day—keeping a journal, writing poems, thesis papers, feature stories,…

Roommate Revolution

2022 Reflection I still live alone, but I now live in a small town in…

CAR-FREE: Living without wheels

Reflection: I am repurposing this essay in the hopes that readers recognize there is another…

Want to retire early but don’t have much money? Ten Things You Need

I dreamed a few nights ago that friends back home were encouraging me to write…
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